Two Massapequa High School 2023 graduating seniors, Tara Villaba and Victoria McCrystal, were recently awarded a $250 scholarship each from the Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162. This scholarship was for their work in the Massapequa High School Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) club to prevent youth substance use in the Massapequas. Tara and Victoria were nominated by SADD club advisor Nicole Bendetti. Massapequa Takes Action Coalition also recognized the graduates for helping youth navigate healthy decisions in the Massapequas. The Elks scholarship and MTAC Recognition Award are given annually to outstanding SADD Club leaders who go above and beyond to prevent youth drug use and destructive decision making.
To learn more about the Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162 Drug Free Awareness Program or to become a member, contact Margaret Motis at 516-798-2162. To learn more about Massapequa Takes Action Coalition, go to or contact Brooke Langella, Project Coordinator, at (516) 799-3000 x131.

Massapequa High School 2023 graduates Tara Villaba, President SADD and Victoria McCrystal, Vice-President of SADD, were recently awarded a $250 scholarship from the Massapequa Elks and recognized by Massapequa Takes Action Coalition for their work in the SADD club this year.

Massapequa Elks, MTAC and Massapequa Public Schools congratulated the Elks Scholarship and MTAC Recognition Award winners! Sitting Front Row Right to Left: Victoria McCrystal, Vice-President of SADD; and Tara Villaba, President SADD; Back Row Left to Right: Jean Brennan, Drug Awareness Committee Member; Christine Goggin, Drug Awareness Committee Member; Brooke Langella, MTAC Project Coordinator.