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Kids and Weed Don’t Roll Together: Marijuana and Addiction

KWDRT Post 5Massapequa Takes Action Coalition’s new prevention campaign, Kids and Weed Don’t Roll Together, outlines unique and informative facts and education to help parents talk with their kids about how marijuana use affects their brain, health and safety. 

In the Massapequas, youth, on average, first use marijuana before the age of 15 (2018 YDS grades 7-12). When marijuana use starts before age 18, approximately 1 in 6 people will become addicted (Centers for Disease Control). Approximately 10 percent of people who use marijuana may develop what is called a marijuana use disorder—problems with their health, school, friendships, family or other conflicts in their life (NIDA).

Parents should be aware of common signs of marijuana use including changes in mood, increased irritability, having trouble remembering things that just happened, changes in eating habits, acting unusually giggly and/or uncoordinated (NIDA). To learn more about the dangers of youth marijuana use, go to or like/follow Massapequa Takes Action Coalition on Facebook.

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