Local Massapequa pharmacies, Arlo Drug Store and Stuart’s Pharmacy, have partnered with Massapequa Takes Action Coalition to distribute FREE home prescription drug disposal kits to further prevent substance misuse across the Massapequas.
Quite frequently our youth and young adults can merely open the medicine cabinet and there before them is a variety of drugs available for the taking: pain pills for post-surgery, sleeping pills from an overseas airplane trip, or cough medicine from last season’s flu. While Massapequa Takes Action Coalition’s Partnership for Success Grant has contributed to fewer young adults misusing prescription drugs and decreases in home access to prescription drugs, 51% of Massapequa youth (grades 7-12) who reported misusing prescription pain relievers, found them at home (2018 PFS Student Survey).
To prevent prescription drug misuse, residents should always SECUREall medicines that have to remain at home; MONITOR quantities and control access; and DISPOSE of Rx drugs during COVID-19 using MTAC’s Deterra or Dispose Rx home disposal kits.Residents should never flush any prescriptions drugs down the toilet or drain as it affects the quality of our water supply. MTAC notes that during the NYS Pause Directive, the Nassau County Police Department IS NOT accepting any prescription drugs at its precincts.

To receive your free home Rx Disposal Kit, visit Arlo Drug Store at 1022 Park Boulevard, Massapequa Park or Stuart’s Pharmacy at 681Broadway, Massapequa. Deterra kits were donated by the New York Office on Addiction Services and Supports (NYS OASAS); Dispose Rx were awarded to MTAC from the Amerisource Bergen Foundation.For more information regarding MTAC’s prevention initiatives or to be part of the solution to preventing youth substance misuse, contact MTAC at 516-799-3203 x131.
For more information about MTAC’s strategies to reduce underage drinking and youth substance misuse and how to be a part of the solution, contact Brooke Langella, MTAC Project Coordinator at (516) 799-3000 x 131 or email at mtacoalition@yesccc.org.
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