Massapequa Takes Action Coalition recognizes how COVID-19 presents challenges forMassapequas’ youth and families. To assist Massapequa families in the prevention of youth substance misuse, MTAC has launched a new website with updated resources to prevent underage drinking, marijuana misuse and prescription drug prevention.
MTAC’s website includes its new underage drinking prevention campaign, Alcohol and Teens Don’t Mix: Be Their Guide. Don’t Provide. The campaign addresses how alcohol affects our children’s brain, health and safety. Important legal information is also provided regarding Nassau County’s Social Host Law as well as other laws affecting our youth and community – including drunk driving as 10% of Massapequa youth report driving after drinking alcohol (2018 NYS OASAS YDS PFS Survey).
Since 1997, Massapequa Takes Action Coalition (MTAC) has been Massapequas’ community coalition to prevent substance misuse among youth. MTAC has been recognized as one of our nation’s leaders in mobilizing communities to prevent youth substance use and was awarded the prestigious Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Program Grant by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
To learn more about MTAC’s prevention efforts, you can like MTAC on Facebook, go to or contact Cathy Samuels, MTAC Project Director, at (516) 799-3000 x131 or
For more information about MTAC’s strategies to reduce underage drinking and youth substance misuse and how to be a part of the solution, contact Brooke Langella, MTAC Project Coordinator at (516) 799-3000 x 131 or email at
You can also Like MTAC on Facebook!