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Parents – Talk with Grads about Celebrating Safely

Alcohol & Grads Can Be A Dangerous Mix


Graduation is a time to celebrate!  But before your high school senior begins their party, it’s critical to take the time to talk with them about keeping events alcohol-free—it just may save a life!  Underage drinking is illegal, unhealthy and unsafe! No amount of underage drinking is legal or safe and any underage drinking can lead to poor decisions, injuries, alcohol overdose, and even tragedy.

Massapequa Takes Action Coalition reminds parents and caregivers to talk with your graduate about playing it safe and partying right – alcohol free - at graduation. A teenager’s brain is still developing, and it is very sensitive to alcohol’s effects on judgment and decision-making. Tragedies can—and do—happen, so underage drinking should not be a part of any end-of-year celebration.

Research shows that parents do make a difference. By serving as a positive role model, talking with other parents and your teens, supervising parties to make sure no alcohol is served and supporting alcohol-free school celebrations, our community can help prevent a life-changing mistake.

For more parent communication and prevention tips, go to or Like MTAC on Facebook!



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