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Young Adults: Be Part of the Solution!

Help Save Lives in the Massapequas

qr code YAS Survey EnglishYoungAdults1Residents know all too well about heroin, fentanyl and prescription drug misuse as it has destroyed families and lives throughout the Massapequas. Young adults, aged 18-25, are particularly affected by today’s opioid epidemic, as they too know first-hand, the devastation and sorrow of losing family, friends and peers to overdose and addiction.

Young adults aged 18-25 have an opportunity to be part of the solution to save lives in the Massapequas.

Massapequa Takes Action Coalition (MTAC) needs 200 young adults to participate in a voluntary and anonymous survey to assess heroin and opiate prescription drug use in the community. Participation will be a great benefit to friends, neighbors, and the community by furthering MTAC’s efforts to develop and improve solutions to the opioid epidemic that is prevalent in the Massapequas.

The information provided by participants will be compared to the 2015 Young Adult Survey data to help MTAC examine how the community has changed since implementation of MTAC’s evidence-based strategies to reduce opioid misuse. To take the survey, young adults can visit: or download a QR reader and scan the code with your mobile device:

If you have any questions regarding the survey or you would like to be a part of this effort, contact Susanne Smoller, MTAC Data Coordinator at or Cathy Samuels, MTAC Coalition Coordinator at

Since 1997, the Massapequa Takes Action Coalition (MTAC) has been working to ensure Massapequa’s children, teens and young adults grow up healthy and make safe choices during adolescence. In 2015, MTAC was awarded the Partnership for Success Grant the through the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS) to address the issues of heroin, opiates and prescription drug misuse among 12 to 25 year olds in our community.

Note: Students aged 12-17 will be surveyed during the fall of 2018 in cooperation with Massapequa Public Schools.

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